Sunday, February 28, 2010

Crazy Critters Dog Toy

With Crazy Critters, finding the perfect dog toy is no longer tricky. We want to make sure they have the best toy to play with that is fun for them, and durable enough that we don’t have to keep re-purchasing the same toy several times. No one likes to come home to find the inside stuffing of a dog toy all over the living room floor.

Crazy Critters are dog toys that are stuffing free. They are great for any dog of any size. The Crazy Critters have squeakers in the head and a squeaker in the tail. Every Crazy Critter will lay flat so all dogs can easily pick them up to play. Since each Crazy Critter has no stuffing inside, your dog can play and tug for hours and you do not need to worry about the toy falling apart and making a mess.

A Crazy Critter is the dog toy that is a winner for everyone. Dogs will love to play with their new squeaky toy, and you will love to give your dog a great toy without having to worry about cleaning it up. This one is a lot of fun!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Perfect Fit Button Works

Perfect Fit Button

So I've had my perfect fit button set for awhile now and I'm constantly using them. Thank god I didn't throw away my fat clothes or my not so skinny clothes because I invested a lot of money into khakis. In fact all my khakis are size 34 and I'm settling in at about a 32. I'm in my forties so I'm not sure which way I'm headed but this product has been great for me.

I'm able to wear all my pants and adjust them accordingly in literally seconds. The perfect fit button really does work and it works well. You literally just poke one through your waistband and snap on the cap. I can't imagine permanently altering my pants now. There's no need.

I'm pretty pleased with the results but I'm no fashion plate. However, I don't think anyone can tell I'm using these things. My only concern with taking in my waistband more than a couple of inches would be that the seat may appear to baggy, but I really don't see that in my case.

Thumbs Up for the perfect fit button.

The Dog Minder

I can smell a hit from a mile away and the next one is the Dog-E-Minder. Now I've been thinking about the next big thing in As Seen On TV for a while now and the surge of press for this product in the last couple of days is no surprise to me. And, it's not because of the usual As Seen On TV mumbo jumbo either.

Usually, when a new product hits the market you will see the over the top infomercials telling you why you can't live without it, but the Dog-E-Minder is a bit different. Sure the commercial has that campy feel and you get that infomercial sense right away but there is a little more going on here than meets the eye.

Most As Seen On TV ads go to great lengths to illustrate problems we all have but don't really know it. After it's pointed out and we can identify with it, we are amazed and often compelled to buy. Most items do serve their purpose while some seem to be duds, but the Dog-E-Minder is different. Why? Who really knows, but I think it's because it has to do with our love for our pets.

Can we live without the Doggie Minder? Of course we can but by definition this product makes us feel like bad pet owners, and then the guilt sets in. Let me back up a moment. Before I lay the guilt trip, let me tell you what this thing is. Think of a little PDA for your dog. First, it is a dog tag with an ID for your pet. But, it goes further and stores information about the last time your dog was fed, when it was walked and if and when the last medications were given. It sounds simple enough but do we need it?

Well, it's a great idea for the busy pet owner, especially when there is more than one care giver. It's hard when you come home from work to an empty house and wonder if you have to walk the dog or has he just been out. Did someone feed him or should I do it now? Medicines are tricky and, I myself, often forget if I administered it and when. I never really thought of how convenient it would be to know all this stuff and when I think of all the times I didn't walk my dog or fed him I start to feel guilty. What have I put my dog through all these years?

That's why I think the Dog-E-Minder tugs at us and is starting to show up on pet blogs and human interest columns. It's such a cute little gadget that many local news stations are featuring it those little "try it before you buy it" and "consumer review" spots during their news casts. I've seen several as they make their way around the net and the cool thing is that you can see the thing in action.

People seem to love its ease of use and function. It's cool looking and great for busy people or those trying to teach the kids a little responsibility. It's really a simple idea whose time has come in the modern age and the folks on the newscast reviews have very little negative feedback. I haven't seen one who said they didn't want it.

Most As Seen On TV products don't get so much attention unless they are kooky like the Snuggie, but the Dog-E-Minder is garnering attention without the carnival atmosphere. So, I'm going out on a not so short limb to say again, we have another hit on our hands.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mighty Fix It

MIGHTY FIXIT: Not Your Average Repair Tape

MIGHTY FIXIT: Not Your Average Repair Tape

Author: Uncle Al

For all of you weekend handymen and retirees that are looking to fix or mend anything and everything, this product is answered prayer! The MIGHTY FIXIT another one of those As Seen On TV products, but this one really does what it’s advertised to do.

The tape is made of thin, water-proof silicone and UL listed at 8000 volts. Being silicone, it not only sticks to the surface to which it’s applied, but as you wrap it on itself, it forms a water tight, air tight seal that is heat resistant. The Mighty Fixit tape comes in a roll that you unwind, cut to whatever length you need, and stretch to activate. You’re now ready to wrap it firmly around most any surface to seal or mend.

I received my order last week and have already used it on a couple of things. I have a lamp cord that has been repaired several times with the old electrical friction tape. After stripping off the old tape, I wound the Mighty Fixit snugly around the torn insulation. It fused to itself, and formed a nice, smooth repair of the cord. Next, I had a garden hose that I’d tried to repair with duct tape. Again, I used the Mighty Fixit tape and now have a non-leaking hose, even when the nozzle is off and the hose is under pressure. I used the clear tape for the lamp cord and the green tape for the hose, so you have to really look to notice the repairs.

I would imagine that the Mighty Fixit could be used for any hose or cable repair. They advertise it to repair leaking automobile radiator hoses and pvc pipe leaks. The ad shows no ill effects after using a blow torch on it, so the heat inside an engine compartment looks to be a non-factor. One thing that I wouldn’t have ever thought of is the horticultural use of binding broken branches back together. I guess it could also be used for grafting, too.

I hate it when I try to order a product that I’ve seen on TV, and the ordering process becomes convoluted with upgrades and unforeseen shipping charges. For about $29, I received six different colored rolls of MIGHTY FIXIT. No hassles. That’s sixty feet of hose and cord repair...that should do it for the rest of this old boy’s repairing career!

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Your Baby Can Read



Author: Uncle Al

As an experienced parent of 6 children and grandparent of eight, I’m really skeptical l about any product that claims to teach your baby to read. It seems like the proven method of teaching reading ability to your child has always been to start reading to them at an early age, and then introducing them to phonics.


I recently saw a product "Your Baby Can Read" on an As Seen On TV spot. It’s unique in that it’s the first reading program combining videos, flash cards, books and other aids specifically designed to help teach infants and toddlers how to read. This “YOUR BABY CAN READ” program was developed by Dr. Robert Titzer of Southern Louisiana University, and has been featured on Good Morning America and other national TV shows.

I bought this set of videos for my daughter’s 22 month old, Heather, on the trial basis of $14.95 just see if it had value. My daughter told me that the first starter video immediately made Heather take notice. Heather seemed to be really interested as the words appeared in the videos; the movements of the words and the accompanying music really caught her attention. My daughter said it’s probably the first time that she’s seen Heather show an interest in anything for more than two minutes. I guess having the words demonstrated by children in the short videos may have something to do with it, too.

The "Your Baby Can Read" process uses many proven learning tools:

  • Repetition: Each word is on the screen multiple times and in different fonts
  • Sight: An arrow scrolls under the word from left to right as the word is read
  • Sound: The music background added to the repetition of the word is another learning key. The background music uses happy songs like “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, and others to make this sound like a “happy” time for her.

Before I spent the $200 for the whole set, I went over to take a look for myself. Sure enough, Heather was enjoying the DVD, trying to mimic the movements of the children and beginning to mouth the words as they appeared. I did order the Your Baby Can Read set, but I made my daughter promise that she would also introduce the phonic learning system to Heather as well. I heard there is an excellent site for phonic instruction,, and suggested that to her. So now, Heather gets to watch the YOUR BABY CAN READ DVD every afternoon, and soon will progress to the second disc. Her verbal skills have increased and she does recognize and say several of the words. I just hope this technique gives her the desire to become an avid reader, something she will enjoy all through her life.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

The Juppy Baby Walker

On my way into the gym last week, I saw a young mother demonstrating her recently purchased baby walking assistant. As I have l grand-babies around 12 months old, I went over to see what the excitement was about, and was really impressed with this ingenious little aid. After all, aren’t grandparents supposed to keep up with this stuff?

The young lady introduced herself as Anne, and her little one was Sammy. She informed everyone that the device was called “The Juppy” (why, I don’t know), and it’s a little adjustable jump seat-like training walker. I’ll try to explain what it looks like and how it works. The baby’s seat is gender neutral, the fabric is machine washable, and it looked like the baby was just dropped into a well fitting pair of overalls. The straps of the overalls would be the adjustable harness for her mother. Anne had placed her little boy in it, zipped up the padded front, and had adjusted the harness portion to comfortably fit her and was walking slightly behind him.

Sammy is almost a year old, and has been threatening to walk for about three weeks. Anne tried to find a traditional walker that she used for her daughter, but they’re out of vogue largely because the pediatricians (I’m told) no longer think walkers with wheels are such a good idea. So, Anne was killing her back bending over to try to help Sammy learn to walk, and by the end of the day, she was always in agony. She saw an As Seen On TV commercial advertising the Juppy, and called her pediatrician to see if it was alright to try. As long as she started out slowly so Sammy could get his balance, he said to go right ahead, and so she ordered. Anne said the Juppy is the best $28 she’s ever spent! When she got it, she adjusted the straps so she was upright, put Sammy in the Juppy, and off they went!

Anne said that it took just a few minutes for them both to get acquainted with how it was supposed to work. For Anne, not bending over holding on to Sammy’s hands or arms instantly relieved the stress on her back. And, it allowed Sammy to hold his arms in a normal walking position without feeling any upward pulling from her. She said he’s comfortable walking between objects at home, but when she pulls out the Juppy, he gets really excited because he knows he’s in for a walking adventure. My back and I wish the Juppy was around when my kids were learning to walk, that’s for sure! I think I’ll order it for my daughter...couldn’t hurt to try!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Notebook Buffer



Author: Uncle Al

My idea of a good evening is to sit in front of the TV with my notebook on my lap. I can be entertained by the TV and informed by my computer while I glance at Fox News and correspond with my kids. But, like everyone else, my little notebook puts out heat like a charcoal grill, and, after awhile, my lap’s on fire! It’s amazing how many notebooks are ruined by overheating! know the computer need airs circulation to keep it cool, so I haven’t used pillows or a towel underneath. I’ve tried making various forms of lap platforms from household items, all of which were not very stable.

Cooling Your Notebook
The As Seen On TV people picked up on this new pad, the Notebook Buffer, that you put under your notebook so you can use it as a laptop without burning your thighs. This lightweight pad measures 15” x 10.5” and is made of a high-tech fiber woven to allow air to circulate in the pad. So, when you place the Notebook Buffer between your notebook and your lap, your computer stays cool and your lap does too. It really does allow you to turn your notebook into a laptop without fear of causing damage to your computer from overheating.

It sounded like just what I needed, so I ordered it. The Notebook Buffer is weighs under four ounces; it’s cushiony soft, rollable, foldable, bendable, but resists crushing. On my lap under the notebook, it conforms to my legs and gives the notebook room to breathe. So now I don’t have to worry about ruining my notebook because of overheating and my legs aren’t frying any more. Because of it’s composition and construction, it will be great to put in my computer bag for travel protection too.

I’ve ordered a pink (they come in pink, black and blue) Notebook Buffer for my wife and have told my kids about it. The total cost (including shipping) of about $28. is little enough to pay to protect my computer investment. They also included some interesting freebees that have come in handy. The Notebook Buffer really is a cool notebook tool!

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Tushee Towel



Author: Uncle Al

When you’re retired, looking for unusual things is a great hobby, especially when you happen to hear “Tushee” on TV. I just happened to catch an As Seen On TV promo that touted Tushee, not a bad thing at any age! The commercial is written as a rhyme; someone took great liberties with iambic pentameter! If you can get past the poetry, the product may have value. The Tushee is quite simply a moisture absorbent seat protector made of velour. It comes in three sizes, the Original (25” x 57”), the Lounger (27” x 96”) and a Tiny for children sized chairs. It’s constructed so that it folds over to attach securely to any chair or lounger.

As I looked at the TV commercial, I thought of my younger days when I spent my life at Daytona Beach on a sandy lounger. Of course, we tried to put a beach towel on the lounger, but the great ocean breeze always caused it to flap around. What a neat thing to have had then! In the summers now, I find that I’m having to put a towel on the patio furniture to protect my rear from the heat, so the Tushee would keep my buns from getting baked. We've got a couple of patio chairs where the fabric is worn, so it may make a good slip cover for them as well. My golfing and boating days are over, but the Tushee would be good for any sitting surface left in the sun, golf carts and boat seats especially.

For me, sometimes having to sit somewhere that my not be the cleanest is a problem. I can think of movie theater seats (are they ever cleaned?) and the seats on an airplane. I really think it’s better that we don’t know who was there before us, but the Tushee looks to provide excellent portable protection for what they may have left behind. Being velour, it’s washable so that’s a plus.

I’m going order two for us just to see if we like it. We do travel a bunch so I know it will come in handy on the plane plus on the patio this summer. For about $28, I think we’ll get our money’s worth. If it works out, the Tushee will really make great gifts for our family still living in Florida where fun in the sun and beach sand is still a fact of life.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Perfect Fit Button

I just got my perfect fit button package about a week ago and I'm thrilled with this product. Most As Seen On TV stuff looks to be good to be true and some of it is. However, this product appealed to me when I first saw the commercial and it has lived up to its word. You really can let your own pants in or out within seconds.

I was a bit skeptical because I didn't know if these things would be strong enough against the force of my gut but they snap into place and hang on. The other thing that threw me off a bit is what do you do with the original button but as soon as I realized you just leave it there and cover it up with a belt, it all made sense to me.

I may be slow but I eventually catch on to things. I was looking at this product solely as a replacement for lost buttons which I'm an expert at losing. It seems I don't fully break in my pants until the button has fallen off. It's then, and only then, that I really love my jeans, shorts, khakis or whatever. Maybe I don't notice them until I can't wear them anymore but I can't stand brand new jeans or pants and find myself trying to awkwardly sew on new buttons.

I had always been thankful that most of my pants had that extra button attached inside just in case you lose one, but that doesn't mean you are going to be able to sew it on in exactly the right place, or use enough thread so it will be strong enough to hold up for awhile. Sewing on buttons, isn't the easiest thing in the world to do, but I do it.

So when I got my perfect button I was thrilled to just jam it through and snap the cap on and presto. It worked like a charm. I then realized that I had some pants that I didn't wear because I had lost about 20 pounds. I tried the perfect button to take in my waistline and it worked great. Well, as long as I wore a belt because it does look kind of funny buttoning your pants a few inches to the side.

Since I feel the belt is necessary for me, I don't really care for the colored buttons that come in the set. It makes no difference which one I choose and I find that I prefer the metallic "jeans" button. Most of my stuff requiring this little trick is casual and since you get two of each button, I've gravitated toward the denim button for whatever reason. I suppose the others are just as good and people will use them, but I think it will be nothing more than personal preference.

The only thing I didn't like about the offer was the bonus Shoes Under which I really didn't want or need. But it's a package deal and if you want to dance you gotta pay the band. So I have a shoes under that I will probably never open. Other than that, I think the product is great and I'm surprised they didn't come up with it years ago.

Read more about the Perfect Fit Button or Watch the Perfect Fit Button Video

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Profit From Real Estate Right Now

PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW: Real Estate Profitability Today

PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW: Real Estate Profitability Today

Author: Uncle Al

One of the jobs of we retired folks is reading. Universally, we have either discovered or rediscovered the joys of reading a good book, and take our reading very seriously. Most of us like fiction, which is to be expected given that our lives aren’t nearly as exciting as our favorite characters. There’s a lot to be said for curling up with a good book to either be entertained or educated. Dean Graziosi’s Profit From Real Estate Right Now, while not a thriller, is both entertaining and educational.

I remember my Dad saying “All real estate investments are good, as long as you live long enough to be able to sell it profitably”. A real truism if there ever was one. Dean’s book suggests that we not look at the negativity of today’s financial world, but focus on the opportunities in real estate that it affords. First, he recommends looking and evaluating the real estate trends of the market where you live. Using the guides he gives will educate you as to what you local market is doing, and how best to evaluate potential investments. The Las Vegas market is certainly different than the Charlotte market, and he gives you tips on what to look for in making your market assessment.

Then, there are other things to consider. Because the markets today aren’t appreciating as they once were, Dean states that we cannot use the same “buy low”, wait a brief period of time, and “sell high” techniques that were once the gold standards for real estate profitability. This brings us back to the evaluation of local market trends, because, according to Dean, this is where your profitability lies. Because of the generally depressed real estate market nationwide, he feels that now is the best time to become educated in his philosophy, jump in and make a profit. In other words, he is saying to use this economic downturn, especially in real estate, to your financial advantage using his techniques.

Profit From Real Estate Right Now is not the first book he’s written. In fact, Dean Graziosi is a NY Times, USA Today, Amazon and Wall Street Journal best seller. I guess advertising on As Seen On TV commercials gives him an even greater exposure. At least that’s where I first saw the book advertised. I enjoyed reading the book for his insights into profiting in today’s down market. The summaries at the end of each chapter synthesized the information into a “to-do” guide for future easy reference. Also, it’s always good to read first hand accounts of the successes of those who have profited from his real estate experience and knowledge.

So, I’ve turned the book over to my investment club for them to read. I guess by the end of the month I’ll know if there is enough excitement and interest in the group for us to try to put Dean’s knowledge to work. Goodness knows we’ve invested a whole lot more with the possibility for a whole lot less profitability!

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Jim Cramer's Action Alert Plus



Author: Uncle Al

Getting back to even!! Boy...that has a nice ring to it! After suffering through the market’s near collapse in 2000, I thought I’d seen the worst of it. I’ll never forget...My broker at the time (long since fired) worked with a nationally known firm that will remain nameless. Most all of our retirement funds were placed in accounts bearing that company’s name; i.e., most everything was in house. I guess the commissions worked out better that way. Anyhow, every 7 days I’d receive a letter saying that we were in it for the long haul...not to will stop soon. Meanwhile, my portfolio kept sliding, and my broker, I guess under orders from the main office in New York, kept making excuses for not going to cash. We left him with about a 30% portfolio loss.

Trust is a funny thing. It has to be earned. He earned it originally, but then lost it when he did not put my interests first. We have a broker now that I trust somewhat, but am managing some of my portfolio myself. I look to get the best information available, do my due diligence, and then make a decision. One of the most reliable stock gurus is Wall Street analyst, Jim Cramer. I’ve watched his CNBC TV Mad Money show for a long time, and have profited from his succinct and timely opinions.

Recently, I was pleased to see an As Seen On TV spot promoting Jim Cramer’s Action Alert Plus subscription service that may provide more investing help. The Action Alert Plus investor service interests me for several reasons:

  1. Pre-Trade Alerts: I will get an email prior to every trade Jim makes that will explain the rationale behind the trade and what I can expect from it. This will help me to decide if I think the trade fits into my long-term investment plan and help me to grasp current market trends.
  2. Access to Jim’s Personal Portfolio: This is sort of unique. The old saying “Do as I say, not as I do” sure doesn’t apply here. I’ll be able to see exactly how he’s managing his own investments and model mine after his if it’s beneficial to me.
  3. Weekly Summary: I’ll be able to chart my weekly gains (or losses) so I’ll be on top of current trends.

A few of us retired guys got together awhile back and formed a little investment group. We got together this past week and decided to buy the year’s subscription to Jim Cramer’s Action Alerts Plus for $374.95. We all live in the same community, so passing around the book “Getting Back To Even”, that comes with it won’t be a problem. We’re really looking forward to getting a real “insider’s” view of the market..Getting even again may be in our future!

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Pop Memoris of the 60's from Time Life

Pop Memories Of The 60’S--Do You Remember?

Pop Memories Of The 60’S--Do You Remember?

Author: Uncle Al

There are a bunch of us baby-boomers and beyond out there! In the sixty’s, we were either flower children or wanting to move to San Francisco to see what it was all about. Graduating high school in 1960, having a beer with the buds on the weekend was about it for the “getting high” excitement. In the South, we heard of something called “pot” that you smoked, but that was mainly what they did in Frisco and New York. We had no clue, and really didn’t think about it much.

Culture of the 60's
The sixty’s was really a decade of change and unrest, not only in our country, but in the music produced then. When I heard on an As Seen On TV spot that Time/Life had put together a comprehensive 10 CD collection of pop and easy listening favorites highlighting that decade, I was all ears. As I listened to a sampling of the music in Pop Memories of the 60’s, it brought back memories long since forgotten. I remembered exactly where I was when JFK was assassinated...the assassinations of RFK and MLK...such a decade like this country had never seen before. Gas---under 50 cents a gallon---”Where Have All The Flowers Gone?”---the anti-war flower children. Listening to the previews brought back a flood of thoughts, some happy and some not so much. But it was a time in my life that I can truly be glad I lived in---and enjoyed some really great music by gifted writers and artists.

The CD's
So, I did a little research to find exactly what hits were on each of the CD’s, and thought I’d give you my favorite from each CD:

  • Disc 1: Running Scared--Roy Orbison

  • Disc 2: Walk Right In--Rooftop Singers

  • Disc 3: This Magic Moment--Jay & the Americans

  • Disc 4: The Way You Look Tonight--The Lettermen

  • Disc 5: Crazy--Patsy Cline

  • Disc 6: Unchained Melody--Righteous Brothers

  • Disc 7: Spinning Wheel--Blood, Sweat & Tears

  • Disc 8: Since I Fell For You--Lenny Welch

  • Disc 9: My Special Angel--The Vogues

  • Disc 10 (Instrumental Gold): Last Date--Floyd Cramer

All the selections on all 10 CD’s were really on the mark, so I did order the Pop Memories of the 60’s set. I figure that for $12.95 a month I’ll get my money’s worth, not only in entertainment value, but for bringing to mind some really great memories as well.

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Matthew Lesko Free Government Money

Matthew Lesko's Free Government Money Mentoring System: Money For The Taking?

Matthew Lesko's Free Government Money Mentoring System: Money For The Taking?

Author: Uncle Al

For years I’ve seen this nutty looking guy in wild colored sport-coats covered in question marks spouting off about “free government money”. I guess it’s been over twenty-five years that Matthew Lesko has been trying to tell everyone that there’s literally “free money”, just for the taking, from our government. I mean, he’s written over 100 books on how to apply for and get free loans, grants and contract guarantees from the government. What’s even better, he advertises that he knows where to look for the money applicable to your situation.

The Government Giveaway
This year, the US Government will give away, that’s right...give away... on average $19,826 per household. Evidently, this slush fund for US citizens has been around for a long time; just not many people know enough or how to take advantage of these programs. I can remember my daughter researching for a free grant that would pay for her college tuition, so I know for a fact that “free money” was available in the 1980’s. I wish I would have known then about Matthew and his knowledge of government freebees.

It’s hard to believe that there’s over 10,000 government programs worth over $890 billion just waiting to be given to Americans who earn from $15,000 to $250,000! Matthew’s latest program to educate those in need of “free money” is aptly called the Free Government Money Mentoring System. It’s a learning system composed of three DVD’s that lead you to programs that give out grants, low interest loans, forgivable loans, government contracts, and direct payments for almost any service. Along with this, you receive online access to:

  • Over 15,000 Free Government Programs

  • 1 on 1 mentoring with answers to all your questions

  • Free application support to fill out your grant

  • Complete access to video library

  • Free Webinars

Do You Want Some?
So, why am I even bothering to write about this? As I said before, I wish I had known about Matthew Lesko thirty years ago. His new Free Government Money Mentoring System appears to be a culmination of a quarter century’s worth of research. I’m sure that people today don’t have a clue that they can get free money from our government to start a business, invest in real estate, get healthcare, get scholarships, or even just to pay bills and so much more. There’s so many different needs that can be met by these government programs, but people just don’t know that they exist or how to access them. It seems like the government should do infomercials about them. I guess they don’t want to steal Matthew Lesko’s thunder!

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crazy critters dog toy

Crazy Critters: Indestructible Dog Toy?

Crazy Critters: Indestructible Dog Toy?

Author: Uncle Al

Our Four Furry Kids
We’ve got four...that’s right...four...dogs. Three Maltese and one Australian Shepherd mix. Three of the four are rescue dogs. Just one of the Maltese was purchased from a breeder, and that was during a grieving period immediately after the death of another Maltese. So, we are dog lovers, that’s for sure. Maybe we take it to extremes,because when we travel, we have a dog sitter come in and stay at the house. Not only do the dogs feel more comfortable, but it is actually less expensive than boarding them all.

They all have been given toys of every shape and size imaginable. The Australian Shepherd doesn’t like any toy, furry, vinyl or rubber. He only cares for the leather bones with the infused "meat” strips. We’ve had the youngest Maltese for just over a year. We rescued her from a puppy mill where she was one of the breeding females. I guess she’s about five years old now, and we haven’t been able to interest her in any toys except for a smaller version of the leather chews that the Shepherd likes. The next oldest Maltese doesn’t care for furry toys, but has this old raggedy, green vinyl “hamburger” (I think from Zanies) that she loves. I’ve been all over the internet, and can’t find another so we hope that it’s good for the duration.

The Vicious Old Lady
The eldest Maltese is ten and a half years old. The only, and I mean only, toy she would play with is a “carrot man” we found at a pet supply store. It’s a furry, gold carrot, about six inches long with a squeaker. Her life’s goal is to see how many of these she can destroy by tearing them apart and triumphantly pulling out the squeaker! As I was cleaning up the stuffing from the latest carrot man carnage, I saw these Crazy Critters advertised on TV. I usually tune out the As Seen On TV promos, but when I saw the dog tearing the stuffing out of the pillow, I became interested.

It’s Crazy Critter Time
There are two Crazy Critters; each about 24 inches long. One is a fox and the other is a raccoon. They are plush dog toys without the stuffing and are practically indestructible. They lie flat on the floor so it’s easy for the dog to pick up, and have squeakers at each end. I figured that one of these days, they’re going to quit making “carrot man”, so I’d better try and find a substitute now. Besides, cleaning up the stuffing is a chore I can do without, and constantly replacing the carrot man is something that isn’t budgeted.

So, I parted with the $24 bucks and ordered. When the Crazy Critters came in, we sort of snaked the fox across the floor in front of her. At first, she just sort of cocked her head and processed the new intruder. Then, she pounced...grabbed it...shook it...and took it to her bed for the ritual gutting. However, as hard as she tried, the Crazy Critter withstood the onslaught and remained intact. Then, she discovered the squeakers, and was in heaven. Now, she carries it around with her as a constant buddy. What’s neat is that the Maltese from the puppy mill has adopted the raccoon, and has a ball playing with it. It’s nice to see your kids having fun!

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Practice Like a Pro

Practice Like A Pro: Short Game Practice Techniques

Practice Like A Pro: Short Game Practice Techniques

Author: Uncle Al

PRACTICE LIKE A PRO: Developing Your Short Game

I guess I’m what’s called an avid Spring/Summer/Fall golfer. I don’t enjoy the game during the Winter. There’s just not a whole lot to be said for playing golf on courses where everything is fighting to stay alive from the cold. Brown backgrounds and bare trees just don’t do anything for me. Also, there’s the clothing. While tremendous advances have been made in fabrics, I still have to bundle up...and bundling up means not being able to rotate this old body properly. So, my winter game largely consist of going to the practice tee to try and hone my short game and putting. I don’t have much of a problem getting off the tee, it’s just around the green that kills me and keeps my scores high.

So my golf winters are spent trying everything to begin the Spring a little bit better that I was in the Fall. When I saw Dr. Bob Rotella talking about the Practice Like A Pro DVD set on an As Seen On TV spot, I saw a way that I might speed up the process. I’ve read several of Dr. Bob’s books. He’s a sports psychologist renown for working with a lot of the pros on all of the Pro Tours; PGA, LPGA and Nationwide. I think I enjoyed “Golf Is Not A Game of Perfect” most of all because it was a great look at life as well as golf. So, I spent the $70 and ordered the “Secrets of the Short Game” DVD set.

The Five DVD Set
The five Practice Like A Pro DVD’s came, and I have gone to work. It was pouring when they came, so the first disc I watched was the Pros on the practice round. It was very entertaining to see the interplay between the players, plus being able to pick up tips. Not that I’m good enough to put them to use right away, but at least I hadn’t heard of them before. Since I often get the “yips”, the Putting Feature Disc was next. Great stuff...especially the portion on what to do before your round to get your head on straight on the green. I enjoyed Disc #2 on “scoring clubs”...knowing what to use when has always been a dilemma, and knowing how to refine my thought process in club selection is just great. That led me into Disc #1 that I’m going to school on. Getting advice from some of the top Pros is showing me where I have swing faults and how to try to correct them.

Then there’s Disc #4 with Dr. Bob. What a super session that is! Golf is truly a game that you have to get yourself under control if there’s to be any hope for conquering the golf course. Then, bringing your scores down requires refining that mental skill. Dr. Rotella is a master of these mental self-control and self-esteem techniques, and he shares his advice in an understandable and logical manner on this disc.

I think by the time Spring gets here, my golfing buddies will be reimbursing my cost of Practice Like A Pro many times over!

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Alabama National Championship Snuggie

Alabama Crimson Tide Snuggie: The Bcs Champion’S Snuggie

Alabama Crimson Tide Snuggie: The Bcs Champion’S Snuggie

Author: Uncle Al

If you would have told me in my youth that I would have wound up in Alabama as a senior adult, I would have thought you to be major crazy. I mean, growing up in Orlando was heaven in the 50’s and 60’s. Great weather year round...we had a a family tradition of going water skiing on New Year’s day that continued long after my brothers and I graduated high school. So, here I am now; a Gator Fan right smack dab in the middle of Bama Nation! Although the Bama fever does wear a little thin sometimes, we do love being right around the corner from our grandkids.

Alabama Football
You have to understand that football is a 12 month sport in Alabama. There’s the pre-season game where 92,000 people go to the last intra-squad scrimmage, the regular season, and then the daily media reports during the recruiting season. It’s the same for Auburn too, although I haven’t seen as many where football is a totally consuming topic of interest. The true Bama fan can tell you who the offensive and defensive starting players are, and their replacements probably down the whole roster. I’ve never seen anything like it!

When Alabama won the BCS Championship this year, the whole state was euphoric for at least a week. Now, they’re going to erect a bronze statue of Coach Saban in Tuscaloosa costing a mere $50,000. The onslaught of championship memorabilia from footballs to highball and decanter sets are everywhere from WalMart to Books-A-Million. So I wasn’t surprise to see that the Snuggie people put an Alabama Crimson Tide Snuggie on an As Seen On TV commercial.

Bama Snuggie
I’m sure everyone knows what a Snuggie is by now. However, if you’ve been a cave for the past few months, I’ll clue you in. It’s a fleece blanket made like a poncho with sleeves. You just slip it over your head, and you’re warm and snuggly underneath. It allows you to keep your hands free to do anything you want, and are great for use on the couch while watching TV. It makes that ratty old blanket or quilt obsolete because you don’t have to fiddle with the Snuggie to keep it in place while you move around. I have seen them in the stands at college football games too, so they are really good for keeping warm while allowing you to move freely.

The Alabama Crimson Tide Snuggie is going to make a fine birthday gift for our daughter-in-law. It’s crimson (of course) with all the Bama football logos plus the BCS Championship Logo as well. For a $21.95 plus S&H investment, I think it may help to change her mind about us least until next season starts!

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Couples Snuggie

Couples Snuggie: A Valentine's Day Snuggie For Two

Couples Snuggie: A Valentine's Day Snuggie For Two

Author: Uncle Al

Do you ever wonder who invented holidays? Like, who ever thought of “Grandparent’s Day”, or “Secretary’s Day” or “Valentine’s Day”? Do you think it was a guy named “Hallmark”? What better way to feed your family for generations than to make up holidays where, if you don’t remember the honoree, you’re no better than mud for weeks thereafter. On second thought, I think it was a lady named “Hallmark”, because I bet the women way outnumber the men as card recipients!

Valentine’s Day is a biggie. Either cards, candy, flowers or any combination thereof is the favorite gift that men give. Of course, we have to remember to do it first. Around here, men generally put everything off ‘til the last minute. So it’s always getting up early on the holiday morning and running to the local food mart for a marked down something or other. The women don’t like it much, but after a couple of generations of this sort of gift giving and receiving, they’ve come to expect it. Life in Alabama!

The Couples Snuggie
This year though, I’ve got it socked! I have ordered a Couples Snuggie for Valentine’s Day. After I saw the As Seen On TV commercial, I went to my computer and parted with the $19.95 (free shipping) for the Couples Snuggie. Of course, we’ve all seen the Snuggie...from the Original Snuggie, to the Designer Snuggie, to the Collegiate Snuggie to the Snuggie for dogs. Just when we thought they were done, here comes The Couples Snuggie.

For years in the evening, the little lady and I have been curling up on the couch with a ratty old quilt made by some relative in the Civil War era, and spend most of the night trying not to pull it off of each other. Evenings on the sofa become chilly in more ways than one! The couples Snuggie should remedy this situation. It’s a thick fleece blanket measuring 81” by 71” with dual opening for heads and arms. So, once we’ve donned this Snuggie for pairs, we can sit together on the sofa under a fleece blanket with our arms free to do whatever. No more fighting to stay covered or fear of dislodging the blanket when we shift positions or reach for something. Under a Couples Snuggie with my hands free, sounds like a winner with the potential for some interesting evenings! It should make a great Valentine’s gift for my honey and me!

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